Handing over the EuroCloud Croatia Awards to the representatives of the Croatian cloud industry
Opatija, Croatia, 1st June: Handing over the EuroCloud Croatia Awards to the representatives of the Croatian cloud industry. Perfect organization of a...
Interview before the speech at the MIPRO conference
Opatija, Croatia, 1st June: Interview before the speech at the MIPRO conference opening with two croatian TV channels
Opening speech at the MIPRO conference and a second speech on the Cloud Days
Opatija, Croatia 31st of May. Opening speech at the MIPRO conference and a second speech on the Cloud Days. The MIPRO conferece is held for the 39th...
Cloud im Griff?
Martin Andenmatten, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Glenfis, über die digitale Transformation der IT-Abteilung.
Second Meeting of the newly founded “Sourcing International” team in Vienna
The partners Martin Andenmatten (GLENFIS, Zürich, Switzerland), Andreas Weiss (ICTAN, Grevenbroich, Germany), Oliver Lindlbauer (42virtual, Austria)...
"Cloud Computing for SMEs and Microenterprises" Conference.
5th April, Valetta, Malta: Invitation to speak at the conference "Cloud Computing for SMEs and Microenterprises" organized by the Malta Communications...
IT der zwei Geschwindigkeiten
Martin Andenmatten, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Glenfis, über die digitale Transformation der IT-Abteilung.
„Serbian trusted Digital competence platform” speech
Belgrade, 21st March: Speech at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce about the possibility to create a „Serbian trusted Digital competence platform” (a...
Das Wichtigste ist das Vertrauen in das Produkt
Fabasoft stößt an die Spitze der zertifizierten Cloud-Service-Anbieter weltweit vor und setzt auf ein europäisches Modell des IT-Geschäfts.
Schneller, besser, billiger
Martin Andenmatten, Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Glenfis, über die digitale Transformation der IT-Abteilung.
SAP for Energy Sector on Cloud Plattform
3rd of March, Milano: preparation of members of the project team for a meeting with SAP Italy in Milano. Task: Evaluate S4HANA usage in Energy sector...
Meeting with CPC partner Dr. Laux in Switzerland to prepare Phase 2 of the project
25th February, Zürich: Meeting with CPC ( partner Dr. Laux in Switzerland to prepare Phase 2 of the project. Dinner with...
Coverstory Business-IT, Interview „Cloud & Big Data“ mit Dr. Höllwarth
Cloud & Big Data – die Herausforderungen der Zukunft.Wir befinden uns mitten in einer digitalen Revolution, meint Dr. Tobias Höllwarth. Der Experte...