Digitale Transformation: Mission impossible
Damit die digitale Transformation nicht zur "Mission impossible" wird, müssen IT-Profis die Klaviatur des Multi-Cloud-Sourcings beherrschen. Eine...
Cloud Sourcing Lifecycle – Part 1: Übersicht
Die Cloud ist der zentrale Treiber für die Digitalisierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Ohne Cloud gibt es auch keine Digitalisierung und damit auch keine...
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: People
(Part VI of VI – People)
In my last blog, I did discuss the Organization Dimension of the Target Operating Modell. Today, I want to reflect on the...
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: Organisation
(Part V of VI – Organization)
In my last blog, I did discuss the Prozess Dimensionof the Target Operating Modell. Today, I want to reflect on the...
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: Processes
(Part IV of VI – Processes)
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: Services
(Part III of VI – Services)
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: Governance
(Part II of VI – Governance)
Cloud Services and the Definition of a Target Operating Model: Technology
(Part I of VI – Technology)
Meeting with Christian Laux
7 June, Zurich: Meeting with Christian Laux, one of the most important partners in the CPC network.
Session of the Sourcing International partners
7 June, Zurich: Session of the Sourcing International partners. To my left is my founding partner Oliver Lindlbauer, to my right our Swiss partner...
40th Jubilee International Convention of MIPRO
14 May, Opatija: 40th Jubilee International Convention of MIPRO (Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and...
Lecture at an NFON internal company event
26 April, Vienna: Lecture at an NFON internal company event
Lecture on the topic “Digitale Transformation und Wissensmanagement”
25th April, Krems: Lecture on the topic “Digitale Transformation und Wissensmanagement” at the invitation of the Kremser Wissensmanagement Tage
Speech at IDC CIO Forum Bucharest
Romania, 10th April 2017: Speech at IDC CIO Forum Bucharest
Two days lecture at University of Applied Science in Eisenstadt
Eisenstadt, 8th April 2017: Two days lecture at University of Applied Science in Eisenstadt about StarAudit Cloud Quality Scheme. 20 Postgraduate...