
New Member has joined the INPLP. Mr Olumide Babalola (Nigeria)


Olumide is the managing partner of Olumide Babalola, LP - his flagship full service law office with particular bias for digital rights, consumer...

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Without a Cloud Compliance Strategy, Businesses Can Quickly run into a Cloud Disaster


Covid-19 has forced many businesses to expand their use of cloud services considerably, including the short-term use of services that were previously...

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Sustaining digital transformation through leveraging leading global SaaS solutions


Sourcing International partners with Freshworks to foster digital transformation in medium to large organisations, bringing valuable, easy to use...

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Successfully completed the executive program "Cyber Security for Managers"


Dr. Tobias Höllwarth successfully completed the executive program "Cyber Security for Managers" offered by MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of...

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Vision Statement of the FIC2020 Advisory Board


As a member of the Advisory Board of the International Forum of Cybersecurity in France I would like to draw your attention on this year Mission...

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International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC)


Konferenz: International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC)

Podium: Dr. Tobias Höllwarth: “Cloud computing: how to manage hybrid clouds and multiclouds?” ...

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IMH Jahrestagung "Datenschutz"


Konferenz: IMH Jahrestagung “Datenschutz”

Vortrag: Dr. Tobias Höllwarth: “Cloud Risiko - Cloud Chance”

Termin: 25. Februar, 11:15 Uhr, in Wien

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Cyber Security


19th January 2020, in Zagreb: Discussion about cyber security and countermeasures against cyber threads in the energy sector

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Cloud in der Pharmaindustrie


Dr. Tobias Höllwarth -Geschäftsführer von Sourcing International und Vorstandsmitglied der EuroCloud Austria und EuroCloud Europa IT- ist einer der...

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Meeting the chairman of MXC Security, Roger Chung


Vienna, December 26, 2019: The Managing Director of Sourcing International and the Chairman of MXC Security met to discuss the next possible steps for...

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